
A List of Goals to Set for Mobile App Success

According to a study conducted on the 1979 Harvard MBA Program, three percent of this program stated that they wrote down the goals that they wanted to obtain. This is the reason why it is important to understand How to Make Mobile App Successful!

After coming back and checking in with this class 10 years later, the researchers found that the 3 percent who constantly wrote down their goals were now making ten times as much as the other 97 percent of the class combined.

This study is, without a doubt, amazing when it comes to debating for the benefits of writing goals down. Even just the idea of thinking about goals is foreign to many people nowadays.

Just like anything, a mobile app’s success depends on the goals you set for it, otherwise there’s really no point in having the mobile app in the first place. Let’s take a look at an extensive list of goals to set for mobile app success.

An App Download Goal – How to Make Mobile App Success

How to Make Mobile App Success

The first place to start is pushing more people to download your app. The cool thing about goals is that they start raising questions on how you can take action to make these goals happen. How can you market your app to reach this download goal?

Are you pushing the app in your brick and mortar store? Do people know that they can receive some cool coupons when they download the app?

A Mobile App Visit Goal

Yes, downloads are pretty cool once you start seeing the number go up, but that generally doesn’t mean anything unless people start visiting the app.

A Quantifiable Amount of Feedback Submissions

Mobile App Success

Do you have a form on your mobile app? Even if the form or feedback medium is listed somewhere else you need to figure out what other people think of your mobile app. Even creating a quick survey and listing it on your website works well. Just make sure the feedback is quantifiable so you can set some goals.

A Certain Amount of Blog Posts Published Every Week

A mobile app eventually dies if you don’t offer fresh content. One way to keep pushing this content is by sharing the most recent blog posts on your website. Set a goal for one or two posts a week and send out notifications when a new one comes in.

Social Posts Shared Every Week

How to Make Mobile App

This is rather similar to the blog posts, but you should always write down how many social posts you plan on sending out. Are you going to post one per day or five per day on Facebook?

An Push Notification Count Goal

Push notifications are the easiest way to engage your customers since they send a message directly to customer pockets. Set a goal for how many of these push notifications to send out every month.

Not hitting a push notification goal is like not hitting your sales goal

A Benchmark for How Many People Redeem Coupons or Specials

Make Mobile App Success

Once you send out push notifications with coupons and specials do you know how many folks come into redeem them? Set a goal and make changes to the offers if you don’t reach the goal.

A Goal for How Much Money You Want to Make with Ads

Setup your ads and mark down a goal to see if you can make any money. Start small then correlate this revenue with the amount of downloads you can bring in.

A Goal for Email List Subscribers – How to Make App Success

Do you have an email list signup form on your mobile app? If so, set a goal every month to build that list. Consider sending out a push notification to prompt people to sign up for the list.

A Goal to Complete Every Promotional Tactic in iBuildApp

How to Make Mobile Success

The iBuildApp platform has five major promotional tactics for improving the popularity of your app. Set a goal to hit all of these to increase your download and visit rates.

A Goal to Check In on How You Can Clean Up Your App

Do you clean up your app at all? If not, set a time to do so every month and stick to this goal.

What Are Some Other Major Goals to Focus on for Your Mobile App?

  • A Goal to Publish on all App Stores and Outlets
  • A Goal to See How Many People You Can Bring in With GPS Notifications
  • A Goal to Reach a Certain Amount of App Launches Per Week or Month
  • A Goal to Reach a Certain Amount of Sales Through mCommerce
  • A Goal to Post all Upcoming Events on a Weekly Basis
  • A Goal to Reach a Certain Amount of Calls and Emails from the Mobile App
  • A Goal to Try Out All the iBuildApp Features to See What Works for Your Business

That’s it for goals! Share your thoughts in the comments section if you have any other goals that can help push your mobile app down the road to success. How to Make Mobile App Success.